Vitafiber latte.2

VitaFiber® Oat Milk Latte

Forget the dairy and fall in love with this vegan coffee lovers dream!

Cooking time: 5 mins
Serving size: 1 cup


    • 1/2 cup strongly brewed coffee (or 2 shots espresso)
    • 3/4 cup oat milk (Check out our VitaFiber Oat milk recipe)
    • 1-2 tsp - VitaFiber syrup


    1. Make coffee to your liking and pour into a mug. 
    2. Heat oat milk & VitaFiber in a small saucepan over medium-high heat until warm. Do not bring to a boil.
    3. Using a whisk, froth milk for 30 seconds or until frothed to your desired amount. *Tip: if you don't have a whisk or frother put in a jar and shake.
    4. Pour over coffee, garnish with cinnamon & enjoy!
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